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Wednesday: My Anatomy Yin Yoga

This class is a compliment to the yang intensity of our daily lives, with specific focus on movement and structure of the body. I co-teach this class with Veronica Dye who gives an approachable and insightful 7 minute mini-lecture about the selected anatomy focus for the sequence. Each week the anatomy emphasis changes with past lectures ranging from sciatica prevention, the thoracic spine, ball and socket joints to the sartorius muscle. It’s a really great way to learn small doses about anatomy and integrate what you learned into your practice.

The sequence itself is 7-13 poses(depending on the length of the holds) plus shavasana. Examples of poses taught include: childspose, supported fish, half pigeon and any seated forward fold.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 890 0896 7567
Passcode: POSEURS

This is a POSEURS class.

We recommend bringing props! Pillows, blankets, rolled up towel or yoga mat, bolster, blocks, books, couch cushions, scarves, straps, socks, tights or a chair. Get creative with what you already have in your environment!

June 29

Tuesday: Intentional Flow

July 1

Thursday: Half Hour Home Flow